Advantage of Biometric Safes

advantage of biometric safes

Modern day technology is developing at an accelerating speed, and people are always improving on earlier technologies to make our lives better. This is the same for security safes, modern day safes are not limited to mechanical keys, some of them come with biometric locking mechanisms that allow you to open the safe with your finger prints. You can easily access the valuables you have stored in the safe by just pressing the tip of your finger on the scanner. Although biometric safes are more expensive than regular safes that come with mechanical keys, digital keypad or combination lock, there are many advantages associated with having a biometric safe. This blog explores the benefits of getting a biometric safe.

Having a biometric safe eliminates the possibility of losing your keys.
Traditional safes that require keys to open them are vulnerable to key loss. It will be difficult and costly to have your safe opened once you lose the safe key. You’ll require a professional locksmith’s help, it’ll be not only costly, you may also risk having a safe that is damaged. Furthermore , losing your safe key might also pose a severe security risk if it falls into the wrong hands. A biometric fingerprint safe will not require any keys, hence removing the risk of losing your keys, this makes it a more secure method to safeguard your valuable assets both for home and work environments.

Biometric safe gives you quick access to your valuables.
Unlike other locking mechanisms, biometric fingerprint scanning safes let you unlock yourself more rapidly. You won’t be wasting valuable time searching for your keys or trying to recall a string of digits for the digital keypad. All you have to do is put your finger on the scanner pad to open your safe and access the contents – quick and easy indeed! This might be especially useful if you find yourself in a crisis. Your biometric safe will provide you speedy access to your assets in an emergency situation, whether you need to withdraw cash for a medical emergency or require your pistol to defend yourself in case of an intruder. 

Multiple Users can be granted access for your biometric safe.
A good biometric safe allows you to set numerous fingerprints. This differentiates access of various family members, or different members of your workplace. One of the benefits of a biometric fingerprint safe is that this eliminates the risky habit of having numerous keys in circulation, or having safe key passed back and forth between different people. 

Biometric safes provide more restrictions and security.
To open a regular safe, anyone can try their luck with figuring out the combination, digital pincode, or looking for the key. Once they figure it out, they will have immediate access to your valuables in the safe. Biometric safes on the other hand wouldn’t give you this problem, they’re nearly impossible to steal from as it is tough for unauthorised persons to open your biometric safe. 

You’ll be less likely to be exposed to sudden change and damage with the use of a biometric safe.
Overtime, traditional keys may deteriorate or get lost, combination codes can be forgotten especially when they’re not used frequently. These types of traditional locking mechanisms are vulnerable to damage and abrupt change, which will make the opening of your safe challenging or expensive. Biometric finger scan locks are less susceptible to deterioration or any unforeseen sudden change. Here at Safeguard Safes, we stock a large range of biometric safes, Burg Wachter Combi Line Safe CL40-E-FS Fingerscan, Burg Wachter Combi Line Safe CL60-E-FS Fingerscan, Burg Wachter Karat Safe MT660-E-FP Fingerscan, and Burg Wachter Diplomat Safe MTD740EFP Fingerscan are all popular selections in the market today that provide you all the benefits mentioned above. Getting a biometric safe for your home or business is definitely a wise investment.

If you have any other questions about biometric finger scan safes, or if you need any assistance getting your very own biometric security safe, don’t hesitate to give us a call on 1300 764 971, and our safe experts will be glad to help you out. Apart from selling the widest range of safes in Australia for people to purchase or rent, we also provide installation, relocation and removal services.
