Key Cabinet Buying Guide

Key Cabinet Buying Guide

Key cabinets are essential for businesses that want to enhance their systematic order and effective key management. In commercial and industrial settings including hotels, industrial sites, hospitals, schools, and places where cars are sold or rented, they are best used to securely keep keys and cards in. in addition to keeping your keys and other goods organised, they will stop unauthorised people from getting access to the keys to valuable company assets. Keys for vehicles, rooms, and other crucial keyed things for your business will provide burglars the advantage they need to successfully steal your valuable assets. Here in this blog we listed the crucial aspects you need to take into account when buying a key cabinet.  

Key Capacity
Determining what you need to put inside the key cabinet can greatly assist you with narrowing down your options. Make a list of the keys and other things you need to keep so you can make the best decision on which one to buy. It would not be ideal if your key cabinet can’t fit all the keys and cards required to store within it. Take note of the size and quantities of items you want to store. Make sure that there will be enough spacing between your products to keep them well organised. We stock key safes that has the following key capacities: 1-10 keys; 11-20 keys; 21-30 keys; 31-40 keys, 41-60 keys; 61-100 keys; 101-200 keys; 201-400 keys; 401-800 keys; 801+ keys.

The durability of your key cabinet should be sufficient to fend off tampering efforts from criminals. It should be constructed of a strong material that isn’t readily damaged or cut through. To keep your belongings safe, pick a key cabinet with frames made of aluminium, brass, or stainless steel. The ability of the cabinet to resist theft depends on its thickness and durability. 

Locking Options
There are many locking options available for key cabinets, you have to make sure you choose the locking option that best suits your business. If you decide to go with a traditional mechanical key, make sure the traditional key you use to lock the cabinet is differentiated from the rest of keys kept inside the cabinet itself. Other options include keyless access systems such as electronic digital key pad, and combination lock. They would provide you with more convenience if you are afraid of losing your key. Always enquire with a security specialist if you’re unsure of what’s the best option for you. Safeguard Safes stock the largest range of safes online in Australia. We have a variety of key cabinets with different locking options, such as Tata Key Cabinet K-20 with traditional key lock; ABUS Key P/Lock KG797C with combination code; Creone CR950084 Key Cabinet with digital locking. 

Ease of Use
If the key cabinet needs to be accessed regularly, usability is particularly crucial. When the key cabinet is easy to use, you’ll be able to complete your daily tasks much more quickly and effectively. Nothing is more unpleasant than having to try opening your cabinet several times before you eventually get in, especially when you’re in a rush.

Labelled Key Tags
The best approach to maintain your keys, keeping them organised is by labelling the key tags. It is always wise to organise your keys and create a labelling system that best suits your organisational needs with the help of racks available in your key cabinet. Labels are crucial as they maintain order and facilitate your daily operations. Popular brands such as Telkee key safes come with matching key tags to make your organisation much more easy.

Installation is crucial for securing a key cabinet. Locating your key cabinet somewhere that is hard for intruders to find will prevent them from stealing your entire key cabinet. Also consider fastening your key safe to the wall furniture to further enhance its security. After all, you’re at risk of losing all your keys at once if it’s not installed properly. 

Using the tips mentioned in this blog, it should make the process of selecting your ideal key cabinet much easier. Keep in mind that keeping your keys safe can help protect your belongings. Its usage, return, and storage must all be kept in mind at all times. Create an effective system to ensure everyone is accounted for and educate your staff on how to get the most out of your safe. 

If you need a high quality key cabinet for your home or business, get in touch with one of our experts at Safeguard Safes, Call us at 1300 764 971 to schedule a free consulting session. Apart from providing expert advice on a large range of key safes and key cabinets, we also stock and can advise on other types of safes such as fire resistant safes, home safes, office safes, drug safes, deposit safes, filing cabinets and gun safes. Further to our profession shopping advice, we can also assist you with your installation requirements, providing you with security and peace of mind. You can be assured that your valuables are in safe hands with Safeguard Safes.
