Locked Out of Your Safe?

locked out of your safe?

A safe is a lockable secure box constructed to safeguard valuable possessions against theft and/or potential threat of fire and other natural disasters. Some people will need to use their safe on a daily basis, especially if they are a business owner; others may only need to open their safe occasionally or during an emergency. You can never be too prepared for a lockout emergency, no matter how often you use your safe. If you keep your mechanical key with you for convenient access, there’s a risk of losing it; if your safe has a digital locking mechanism, there is a risk of forgetting your access code if you don’t use them often. Even with biometric access, which is by far the safest and most convenient locking solution, it is not immune to scanner malfunctions.

We understand that customers often face the question of what to do in the unfortunate event of getting locked out of their safe. If you find yourself in this difficult situation, don’t panic, follow the guideline put together by Safeguard Safes‘ security specialist to get back in your safe without spending too much money or creating unexpected damage.

  • Step one: calm your thoughts
    The first thing you should do if you’ve been locked out of your safe is to relax. Wait a few moments until your thoughts are clear. Because one of the reasons for opening a safe is to get your possessions out in an emergency, this could be difficult. But remember to take a few moments to remain still. In your haste to get to the items in your safe, you may cause more harm. If you decide to break open your safe, you may wind up hurting yourself, or causing damage to the safe. Do not attempt anything until your mind is calm enough to think of rational solutions. 
  • Step two: locate your backup key or access code record
    Once you’ve calmed down, consider whether you have another way to get into your safe. If the safe has mechanical key locking, it would be ideal if you have a spare key to save you from the lockout situation. If your safe can’t be opened with the code you remember, ask around other family members or trusted employees with whom you’ve provided your code. If they remember the correct pass code, it would be a very easy fix to your problem.
  • Step three: get in touch with your safe dealer
    Your safe dealer may be able to help you unlock your safe if you’re still using the default combination. Have your identity and purchase contract ready for them when you enquire about receiving the original combination. You should be able to have the information on file if your safe is relatively new. One thing to keep in mind is that a notary public may be required to authenticate your request for your safe combination. To save time, call your dealer ahead to enquire about all the needed documents for your request.
  • Step four: contact a certified local locksmiths
    In the unfortunate event that none of the above solutions apply, it would be time to contact a professional and certified local Locksmiths or security specialist for help. Depending on the security level of your safe, the Locksmith should be able to gain entry to it efficiently without causing damage to the safe itself. They would look at all possible resolutions, and in the unlikely event that they have exhausted all options, they would drill a small hole in your safe to deactivate the lock as a final resort, this would allow you to access your items. Furthermore, a professional Locksmith should be available to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you don’t have to worry about being locked out during inconvenient times. The only downside is this service can be quite costly. Before you hire a professional, think about the worth of your security safe and the things you kept within. Compare this to the quote provided by the Locksmiths business before making a final decision is always a smart idea. 

Your security safe is there to safeguard your valuable and sentimental items, providing you peace of mind. Keep in mind that lockout can happen to even the most modern safes. Make sure your safe is in working condition, and always have a backup plan in case you are locked out of your safe.

If you find yourself locked out of your safe, don’t panic, remember the tips from this blog and follow them according to your situation. If you have any questions, just give us a call on 1300 764 971 to talk to our friendly security specialists. Safeguard Safes has over 35 years of experience helping customers with safe related enquiries across all brands, including CMI safes, Falcon safes, Chubb Safes, Diplomat Safes, Guardall Safes, Burg Wachter Safes, etc.
