The Ultimate Guide to Buying Key Cabinets

The Ultimate Guide to Buying Key Cabinets

Key cabinets play a crucial role in managing and securing keys and cards in commercial and industrial environments. They help to promote systematic order and effective key management, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to valuable items in your business. However, before purchasing a key cabinet, there are important factors you need to consider. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the essential elements you should keep in mind to ensure you make the right purchase.

  1. Key Capacity
    The first thing you need to consider is how many keys and other items you want to store. You don’t want to end up with a key cabinet that is overflowing with keys and cards. So, make sure you take an inventory of the items you need to store and choose a key cabinet with enough space to keep them neatly organized.
  2. Locking Mechanism
    Since the key cabinet needs to be locked, you need to decide which locking mechanism will best serve your needs. Traditional keys can be easily lost or duplicated, so it’s good to consider keyless entry systems such as electronic or combination locks. Ensure that the lock mechanism is secure, and choose a key that looks different from all the other keys you are storing.
  3. Ease of Use
    Consider how frequently the key cabinet needs to be accessed. A key cabinet that is difficult to access will waste time and effort, especially when you are in a hurry. Choose a cabinet that is easy to use and saves you time.
  4. Material
    Your key cabinet should be strong enough to withstand tampering attempts. It should be made of sturdy material that doesn’t easily break or get cut through. Choose a cabinet made of either aluminium, brass, or stainless steel frames to keep your items secure.
  5. Labelled Key Tags
    Labelling is the best way to keep things in a systematic order. Choose a key cabinet that has slotted key racks with proper labelling. Labels are important because they keep things in order and make your activities easier.
  6. Installation
    A key cabinet that is not properly installed runs the risk of losing all the keys at one time and all the valuables they could access. Choose a key cabinet that is hard to remove from its location, and consider how it is fixed into your wall or furniture.

Following these key cabinet buying guide tips will ensure that purchasing one is less tedious. Another good starting point is to browse our popular selection of key safes and cabinets, for example the ABUS key garage KG787 smart, the CMI Security Key Cabinet SKC-75D, and the LockIT Key Cabinet G9.

Securing your keys will also secure your assets. Be aware of the key’s use and return, as well as its safekeeping. Educate your people to maximize the value of your safe and create an efficient system to ensure they are all accounted for.

If you need a quality key cabinet for commercial or home use, contact Safeguard Safes on 1300 764 971. Our professionals are available for free consultations, and we offer a variety of products that will be suitable for all your safe needs. We can also help with your installation needs, giving you security and ease of mind. With Safeguard Safes, you can be assured that your valuables are secured. Check out our smart shopping tips when buying a safe, and explore our other products, including Home Safes, Fire-proof Safe, Drug Safe, Deposit Safe, Gun Safe, and Filing Cabinets.
