Key Safes for Car Dealership

key safes for car dealership

We have seen an increase in Criminals targeting car dealers to steal cars. Transponders and related automotive security systems have made it significantly more difficult for thieves to steal cars. As a result, criminals are now targeting dealers. You need a car dealership key safe if you wish to store the car keys securely in a key cabinet. 

Criminals used to wait until the owner had let down their guard before going after a certain car. They might wait until the owner leaves before breaking into the owner’s house to steal their car, it’s a bit of a hit or miss. So nowadays Criminals are targeting car dealerships that keep the vehicles on site. They tend to break in and take the car keys in one go. Even if the car dealership has a security system in place, the Criminals know that the response time is usually 30 minutes, and a lot of damage could be done during that time. In this case, a key cabinet would be the ideal solution for guarding car keys at the Car Dealership. 

Keep in mind it’s definitely worth a while to look around and get one that is secure, sturdy, and matches all your requirements. Make sure the key safe you decide on is approved by the insurance company, the cost of replacing a complete set of keys for a medium sized dealership could be as expensive as $50,000. It is also important to install it properly, having it bolted to the floor or wall to increase the security level. Make sure it is secure, at the same time convenient to access, for the ease of daily operation.

We would recommend for Car Dealerships to get a key safe or key cabinet with a high quality digital lock installed, such as the LockIT Key Cabinet Mini, HPC KeKab Key Cabinet 730, or Telkee 250D

They are easy to use with hooks that are spaced wide enough so that larger car keys will fit. The safe’s body and door are constructed from heavy gauge steel. Please note key safes with thin doors and bodies can now be quickly broken into by Criminals who carry cordless angle grinders. A strong safe would have heavy duty hinges on them. If the Criminal cuts the hinges off, the door will stay locked as the internal ‘dog bolts’ would hold the doors in place. Many key safes have removable ‘pages’ or ‘leaves’, which makes car keys very easy to be distributed within the key cabinet. 

For more information on choosing, purchasing or installing key safes, contact us directly on 1300 764 971. Safeguard Safes has been in the security industry for more than 35 years, our Security safe experts have the knowledge and experience to assist you with any issue you may have.
